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Đại học Khoa học Ứng dụng HAMK (HAMK)
[ Ngày đăng: 23/02/2012 2:46:30 SA, lượt xem: 2358 ]

HAMKHAMK University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) is a multidisciplinary higher education institution in southern Finland. HAMK has 25 bachelor-level degree programs, 5 master-level degree programs and around 7 000 students. Six of the degree programs are delivered completely in English. HAMK has over 100 partner universities around the world. The activities also include applied research and development projects.

The Vocational Teacher Education Unit of HAMK (HAMK-VTEU) celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2008. The total number of teacher education students in the same year was 1 025, of which 53% were female students. The Unit offers the following degree programs: Vocational Teacher Education, Vocational Study Counsellor Education, Vocational Special Needs Teacher Education and Driving Instructor Training. In addition, it provides continuing education and research and development services, as well as actively participates in national and international project work.

Đang trực tuyến: 1632
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